2024 OoM's

A logo for a junior tour

Description automatically generatedJUNIOR TOUR OoM CRITERIA 2024

The Following information details the arrangements for our 2024 Order of Merits. These are based on “year of birth”.

BOYS: U21, U18, U16 and U14

GIRLS: U23 and U18



BOYS U21: 150, 125, 110 and 100 (Top 4 places)

BOYS: U18, U16 and U14: 150, 125, 110, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50 & 40

(Top 10 places in EACH age group)


GIRLS U23: 150, 125, 110, 100 and 90 (Top 5 places)

GIRLS U18: 150, 125, 110, 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50 & 40 (Top 10 places)

GIRLS U18 NETT: 80, 70, 60, 50 and 40 (Top 5 places)


  1. If there are ties, the points will be equally split; and
  2. The last OoM Qualifying event will be Fortrose & Rosemarkie on the 28th and 29th September 2024


QUALIFIERS FOR OoM FINAL AT SOUTHERNESS ON THE 12th and 13th OCTOBER 2024 – There will be 54 Players Qualifying


U21: 4 Players         U18: 10 Players       U16: 10 Players       U14: 10 Players


U23: 5 Players         U18: 10 Players       U18 (NETT): 5 Players


Please note:

Order of Merit Results will be published in the days following our events once all the results and Age Groups have been checked and verified.

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